emAPP’s mobile applications empower organizations to
achieve efficiencies.
achieve efficiencies.
No matter what your organization does, it relies on accurate and timely information to succeed. The daily activities of your employees, the functioning of your organization and your bottom line are determined by how efficiently you collect, share and access the information that is crucial to the success of your organization. Our mobile applications help people do their jobs and organizations achieve their goals by putting the right information in the hands of the right people at the right time.
emAPP customers range from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies world-wide and their success is based on the ease-of-use and efficiencies brought about by our mobile applications. Our solutions focus on four distinct areas: Incident Reporting, which addresses the needs of a broad range of industries (including Energy & Utilities, Security and Safety & Health); Information Access for Education Professionals; Special Needs Student Information Management and Event Management.